General questions about study abroad?
Visit the IPE office during walk-in advising hours throughout the academic year to talk to our peer advisors M-F 1-4pm (when classes are in session).

Matthew Sinanis
Aerospace Engineering, International Minor for Engineers
IPE Program: Engineering in Paris, France & Engineering in Prague, Czech Republic
“My favorite part of studying abroad would be traveling to different parts of my host cities and countries in Europe as a whole where I was able to learn and explore different cultures and cities. Specifically, going into these trips with nothing planned was one of the best parts because we needed to face and overcome difficult situations that we didn’t initially plan or account for, which was always an interesting and amazing time!”

Abhi Athreya
Aerospace Engineering
IPE Program: French American Exchange Program (FAME) at ENSEA in Cergy-Pontoise, France
“My favorite part of studying abroad was visiting places you’ve heard about in farfetched contexts like the Canary Islands, Loch Ness, and Mont Blanc and absorbing the unique culture & people of that region.”

Josefia Frydenborg
Electrical Engineering
IPE Program: Engineering in Sorrento, Italy
“My favorite part of studying abroad was working with people from all over the globe and in the process, gaining confidence and resourcefulness. Traveling throughout Europe has led me to gain a new sense of independence, but also staying close to the local culture has left me with a special connection to Sorrento. I had some of the best times of my life during my time abroad with people that have become invaluable friends at Michigan, and I hope that everyone has the chance to have the same experience!”

Bella Wash
Industrial and Operations Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Environment Minor
IPE Program: University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia
“My favorite part of studying abroad was living in a new environment with the opportunity to develop a lifestyle that I loved – being active, enjoying the outdoors, eating well, and traveling with old and new friends!”

Niko Economos
Aerospace Engineering
IPE Program: Engineering in Buenos Aires, Argentina & Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Spain
“My favorite part of studying abroad was assimilating to and learning from the Spanish culture and pace of life. Combining this distinct perspective with my existing lifestyle in the US will enable me to be happier and more fulfilled, wherever I’m living. Studying abroad opened up my eyes to a new world of possibilities and I truly believe everyone should experience it!“

Erin Benitez
Industrial and Operations Engineering, International Minor for Engineers
IPE Program: Engineering in Reykjavik, Iceland & University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia
“My favorite part of studying abroad was…. well I loved it so much, I did it twice. Studying abroad both times have been the best decisions I have made in college thus far. There is so much to learn beyond the classroom and so many ways to grow as an individual everyday. I have built lifelong relationships and have been able to explore new parts of the world that I would have never been able to see otherwise. Living in places with a different culture and way of life has given me a new perspective on the world, greatly influencing my outlook on my future and goals I have. If you get a chance to study abroad, I cannot recommend it enough. “